Get Inspired: My top 5 podcast picks for creative makers

Get Inspired: My top 5 podcast picks for creative makers

Do you ever find yourself crafting alone and wishing for some fun company? Well, guess what? I've got the perfect solution – podcasts!

Today, I'm sharing my top 5 favorite podcasts that are great to listen to while you're crafting, sewing, or just looking for creative ideas. These podcasts have kept me company during my creative hours, and I'm excited to introduce them to you!

What are your favorite podcasts to listen to while you create? Let me know in the comments!

Get inspired: my top 5 podcast picks for creative makers


Quick links to my favorite podcasts

My top 5 favorite podcasts (in no particular order)

Creative Pep Talk by Andy J. Pizza

🔗 Listen on Spotify | Listen on Apple Podcasts

Why It's Awesome: Andy J. Pizza is enthusiastic, encouraging and has tons of great ideas to boost your creativity. With amazing guests and content, every episode is like a motivational speech for your artistic side.

Office Ladies by Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey

🔗 Listen on Spotify | Listen on Apple Podcasts

Why It's Awesome: If you're a fan of "The Office," you'll love this podcast. Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey chat about each episode, and it's like having your favorite TV show pals right there with you!

Unsolved Mysteries

🔗 Listen on Spotify | Listen on Apple Podcasts

Why It's Awesome: Take a break from business and crafting podcasts to dive into mysterious stories. It'll add a thrilling twist to your creative time. And if you grew up with the original TV show like me… that spooky intro music gets you every time.

From Craft to Career by Elizabeth Chappelle

🔗 Listen on Spotify | Listen on Apple Podcasts

Why It's Awesome: Elizabeth Chappelle of Quilter’s Candy shares great tips to help you turn your craft into a real career. It's like having a wise friend guide you in your creative journey.

The Professional Creative by Bonnie Christine

🔗 Listen on Spotify | Listen on Apple Podcasts

Why It's Awesome: Bonnie Christine's podcast is all about inspiring creative folks to run their own businesses. It's like having a mentor in podcast form!

Now, I want to hear from you! What podcasts do you enjoy while crafting?

Share your favorites in the comments below, and let's keep the creative vibes flowing.

Happy crafting! 🌟


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Stacie Humpherys

I’m an engineer and illustrator living in the Rocky Mountain West, specializing in surface pattern design and illustration. I love spending every spare minute in the outdoors with my husband Greg and my two doggos, Oliver and Eva.

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