Display Shelf

This week’s theme: Shopping / Today’s Daily Art Prompt: Display Shelf / Medium: Watercolor / Daily Art Count: 19/100

A little Christmas display shelf for todays daily art. It felt as festive to paint this as it would to actually decorate.

As I move through this daily art challenge, I’m finding my attitudes have really changed toward watercolor. I used to feel as though watercolor was a difficult, unforgiving medium. I’ve done a 180 — I’m now feeling like watercolor is the most forgiving medium in the world, and I’m really enjoying working with it. And I’m still in love with the black and white.

Join me as I work to make art for 100 days, following the daily art prompts inside Bonnie Christine’s Flourish Membership. Each week has a theme with 7 prompt words within that theme. Flourish is a monthly membership for artists and designers, opening in May and October of each year. Want to learn more? Check it out at surfacepatterndesigners.com/flourish.

Stacie Humpherys

I’m an engineer and illustrator living in the Rocky Mountain West, specializing in surface pattern design and illustration. I love spending every spare minute in the outdoors with my husband Greg and my two doggos, Oliver and Eva.




Shopping Bag